If you have any qualms/queries/suggestions feel free to message the mod team at /r/Fable and we will hopefully get back to you soon. We're all here to enjoy the series as a community. Please keep posts related to the Fable series (We wouldn't ban anyone for accidental spamming, but we might ask you to stop) Please do not spam, feel free to post most anything Fable, but make sure the subreddit isn't just your LP for the past month. (If you deliberately troll you will almost certainly be banned) Keep in mind proper Reddiquette and don't be overly attacking/mean with your posts. Join the official /r/Fable discord server Whether it be discussion about Fable, Fable II, Pub Games, Fable III, Fable: Heroes, Fable: The Journey, Fable Legends, Fable Fortune, or the new game - all discussion is welcome. Fable II is a game beloved by many, and somehow it has failed to receive a release on anything but the Xbox 360, which is rapidly becoming a more obsolete. GameBridge would be my first choice though. Or you can do that thing with the camcorder and some special cables or something. That is how people play on their monitors and record excellent quality videos. Just makes your monitor act as a television.
Whether you complete that journey with a friend or solo, it doesn't change the fact that there's a very deep experience here. Re: How to play fable 2 on PC Most likely a GameBridge, or another product like it.

This subreddit provides a space for fans of the newly announced Fable game from Playground Games as well as the original Lionhead's series of games. Fable 2 is an AMAZING game from start to finish.